Deception Island is the ring shaped caldera of an active volcano and we visited after dinner on the evening after our Hannah Point landing. The sheltered waters within the caldera can only be accessed via a narrow gap in the ring known as Neptune’s Bellows and it is a dramatic entry with sheer volcanic cliffs funnelling strong winds through the opening. Once through the calm conditions within can be quite a contrast to those outside. We visited Whaler’s Bay without landing but the captain brought the ship right up to the shore giving amazing views of the old abandoned Norwegian whaling station and the British scientific base abandoned after a volcanic eruption in 1969. Our visit was late in the day with the sun setting below a clouded sky so light levels were low and colours muted. The stark shapes of dark volcanic rock and ash with dirty snow and rusted ruins with steam rising from the geothermal warmed water was dramatic and photographically exciting. Many images lent themselves more to a Black & White approach but some seemed better retaining their pastel colours.
All images with Nikon D810 and 24-120mm f4 lens.

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