Paradise Harbour, also known as Paradise Bay, was a real haven after our wind blown navigation of the Gerlache Strait. We were well layered for our Zodiac cruise but it was cold despite the lack of wind as the harbour is surrounded by high mountains and glaciers. The wildlife was copious with Gentoos porpoising everywhere, Humpback Whales feeding, a Leopard Seal on a floe and an inquisitive Minke Whale that kept following us. Every time we lost sight of it our Zodiac driver, Â Sue Perrin, would speed up as though we were leaving the area and the whale would come in to investigate us again, at one stage passing so close beneath us that I could have almost reached down and touched it.

After a while Sue kept muttering on about feeling cold and going to the Drive-thru which didn’t seem to make much sense until she pulled up next to another Zodiac flying a “Hot Chocolate” flag, staffed by hotel chief, Henrik Ahlberg and dispensing hot chocolate fortified with your choice of Peppermint Schnapps, Whisky or Coconut Rum! We opted for the former flavour and there were smiles everywhere for the rest of the Zodiac trip despite the ongoing cold conditions.

Photos with Nikon D810 and Nikon 24-120mm f4 VR lens
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