Departing Danco Island we moved along the Gerlache Strait to Bransfield Strait and soon the sadness we felt at leaving was blown away by the rising wind and the abundance of wildlife that seemed to be putting on a farewell display for us. A pod of Orca frolicked close to the bow, a juvenile rolling onto it’s back and looking up at us before they were attracted to a passing flock of Gentoos and began hunting with penguins erupting from the water like baitfish.

Humpback Whales seemed to be everywhere  and one swam directly toward us before sounding just beneath the bow.

A Giant Petrel flew circuits around us, almost close enough to touch and offering photo opportunities until the ache my arms from holding up the long lens distracted from the ache in my heart.

Leaving the shelter of the South Shetland Islands in a foggy sea the swells of the Drake Passage began to crash into the ship and spray up over the bow making for an interesting night of sleep in our cabin, one moment, almost weightless in our bunks and the next, being forced firmly down into our mattresses. Despite this we slept well and woke to a more moderate passage in the morning.
Photos with Nikon D810 and Nikon 200-400mm f4 VR lens.
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