The reeds surrounding the dam are home to a number of Lesser Swamp Warblers (previously known as Cape Reed Warblers) and their song is a lovely backing track to an early morning search for images. As the flit and forage deep with the reeds it is not often that they present an opportunity for a good picture. This one came brief out to the edge and fed on clusters of tiny insects and I especially liked this image showing the orange colour inside the beak.
A pair of White-throated Swallows was always in attendance at the one jetty and after a while we realised that they were building a nest beneath the jetty. This image is a composite of 2 shots as with them sitting together on the twig it was impossible to get them in a decent pose and in focus together so I layered and masked 2 images with each of them in the best pose and sharp in the frame. The same technique that I illustrated in the focus stacking for bird photography post.