Having passed the Southern hemisphere Winter solstice, the days are beginning to lengthen and thoughts are turning toward Spring and Tuis feeding in the Kowhai tree.

Last year after sharing some photos a suggestion was made to put together a small photo book celebrating one of my favourite birds. This was easy to do in iBooks author and share individually but a very slow process to get approved through Apple to make it easily available as a free download. 3 months and one revision later (to reverse the author name from Whitehead, Tony to Tony Whitehead when the requested format was Surname, First name??), I finally received the news that it is available from the iBook Store. The next step will be to update the book with more pictures and see how long approval of the update takes.
For your free copy download directly from this link
If you don’t use an Apple device the book is available as a free PDF from this page
On a separate note, my previous post has been updated with a link to the D-Photo interview with Edin including some of the judging comments on her winning photo, and a link to the Daily Post article reporting her win.