Our trip to Muriwai after the Saturday session of the workshop we led in Auckland recently, yielded a pile of images that I have finally got through with a first edit and processing a few of the better ones. As always there are a huge range of opportunities and a Muriwai trip always leaves us with big smiles despite the risk of some fresh guano splatters on rain-jackets and camera gear. As usual, the Gannets are the prime subject and I spent a bit of time on the close-ups I shared in the last Muriwai post.
I also spent a bit of time playing with slow shutter speed blurs which are very easy to cull as most are complete failures. A few are worth processing and there is always the hope of one with a little bit of lucky magic.

Another episodic subject are the rabbits that live around the edge of the colony and occasionally run the gauntlet of gannet beaks to cross the open ground. This one spent a lot of time chewing on the dry, feather strewn and guano-seasoned vegetation before washing his paws and face.

Facing west, the sunset is always a possibility, and this time it was a lovely fiery spectacle after having given us some lovely backlit waves earlier in the afternoon. All in all another great trip.

Photos with Nikon D500 and Nikon 300mm f4 PF lens apart from sunset photo with Fuji XT1 and 10-24mm f4 lens