I have been fortunate to visit Elandshoek in Limpopo Province regularly over the past decade. From my first visit I wanted to make a book documenting the farm and now after 10 years I have a good supply of material to work with so have started the editing process. Evolving camera technology (and photographic skills) have seen a steady improvement in the quality of images and it is quite shocking to look back on the files from early digital cameras. Improvements in processing technology have shown huge progress and it is possible to extract far better quality images now than it was with the software available at the time of capture. This is one of the important reasons for shooting RAW format and archiving original files. Attached are 3 files reprocessed in Adobe LightRoom5 which have yield vastly better results than was achieved back in 2005 using Rawshooter (the program that Adobe purchased and developed into LightRoom1). All images made with a Nikon D70.