The blog has been unfortunately neglected over the past few weeks. Most of my time has been spent on selecting and editing images for my book which is now almost complete and should be off to the printers this week. We had a weekend up in Auckland to fetch Edin after the completion of another year at Uni and managed to spend 2 evenings at Muriwai photographing gannets and terns. It is a fantastic venue just a relatively short drive from central Auckland where we were staying. The birds are nest building and some are incubating eggs at this early part of the breeding season. I managed some great gannet photos to add to my Birds on White series. Edin did some amazing work with the White-fronted Terns – the images she got with a D300 and relatively cheap 70-300 zoom are fantastic and a great illustration of how the financial barrier to bird photography has dropped. Have a look at her blog post to see a couple of her images.
I also find Muriwai a great landscape venue and have decided to use this post to share 2 different landscape images. One is a a long exposure using ND400 filter to achieve a 30 second exposure to blur the waves and record some cloud movement and the second a HDR from a 5 stop bracket. Both with the D800 on a tripod, 24-120 f4 for the B&W and 14-24 f2.8 for the HDR.